We know that function is a building part of a program in python so we need to pass a function as another functions argument this is done using higher order functions .Tracing a function call means find the number of times a function is called.
Higher order functions are functions which can take function as argument and returns new function from function call.Lets explain tracing function call using a Fibonacci function here is the code for Fibonacci.
1: def fib(n):
2: if n is 0 or n is 1:
3: return 1
4: else:
5: return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
This function is calling recursively now we trace how many times fib is called using the function trace
1: def trace(f):
2: def g(x):
3: print f.__name__, x
4: value = f(x)
5: print 'return', repr(value)
6: return value
7: return g
8: f = trace(fib)
9: print f(3)
The trace returns the output as:
1: fib 3
2: fib 2
3: fib 1
4: return 1
5: fib 0
6: return 1
7: return 2
8: fib 1
9: return 1
10: return 3
11: 3
f= trace(fib) that means fib is replaced by f and f return the value of function call before the actual call of fib.this is the way to how to trace a function call
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